Sabtu, 7 Ogos 2010

Kpop fever spread In Malaysia

Hye Buddies~!! How u doin'?? Hope u r fine... by the way, I've got a news and I guess all of you have knew 'b0ut it!! KPOP FEVER!!! I don't noe when this fever has spreaded in our beloved country? But I see thiz fever made the citizens gone banana... it's all start fr0m the gr0up Wonder Girls whose famous with their hitz 60s s0ng, Nobody!! Then, there are many gr0up was presented 2 tiz country such as B2AST, Super Junior, 4MINUTE, Girls Generation, T-ARA, and KARA.. 4 the KPOP fans in Malaysia, of coz they are already knew all of these gr0up and I think the KPOP fans in Malaysia will increase as everybody at every place seem 2 talk 'bout tiz hot issue!!! I'd knew 'b0ut the KPOP gr0up since 8 month ago in MTV(Channel 713/astro). Anyway, KPOP fever seem 2 be more suit 4 Malaysia's citizens and they keep on goin' everyday!!! wow! It's amazin' and I'm very2 supp0rt tiz Intricate Industrial...

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